The Art of Gift Giving: 7 Snapshot Gift Statistics Revealed

In the ever-changing realm of client and employee engagement, external factors constantly shape and bring exciting changes to the market. Think pandemic, economic fluctuations, technological advancements, and shifting consumer preferences. We all know the wonderful feeling of giving and receiving thoughtful gifts, and to make that magic happen, companies must stay on their toes, keeping track of current consumer trends and market stats. Today, we explore the latest gifting trends, uncovering precious insights from our recent survey of over 500 professionals. Here, we shed light on the psychology behind gift giving and its incredible significance in nurturing client and employee relationships.
1. Unbranded Gifts Win
An overwhelming 87% of respondents expressed their preference for unbranded gifts when sending presents to others. This indicates that the act of gift giving is genuinely about the sentiment and thoughtfulness behind the gesture, rather than promoting a brand.
2. Businesses Value Gifting
Imagine this – a staggering 97% of professionals see gifting as a total game-changer for businesses. How cool is that? You see, gift giving goes beyond kindness; it’s a rewarding investment! Whether it’s showing appreciation to your loyal clients, boosting employee morale, or strengthening partnerships with other companies, a thoughtful gift can work wonders!
3. People Love Getting Gifts
Who doesn’t love receiving gifts? – It’s universal! That makes 99% of our respondents who shared their passion for thoughtful gifts. Whether it’s a surprise or a planned gesture, gifts forge meaningful connections and create lasting memories.
4. Surprises Still Delight
In today’s digital age, one thing remains clear – surprises are still the way to go! An incredible 85% of our respondents revealed they prefer surprise gifts over digital links and gift cards. Who can resist the allure of unexpected presents? At Client Giant, we keep the magic of surprises alive!
5. Logos are Short-lived
Uncovering a fascinating tidbit in our survey, 53% of recipients tend to toss aside branded gifts. Yikes! It’s time to step up your gifting game with thoughtful and personalized gifts and experiences that truly connect with the recipient. At Client Giant, we always ensure to create those heartwarming moments.
6. Automation is Everything
Gifting in the fast lane – a staggering 91% of participants are using gifting programs like Client Giant to handle the heavy lifting. Talk about efficiency and convenience, but without losing that personal touch. And the best part – Client Giant always remains a ghost in the process. We make sure you’re always the rockstar!
7. People Love Us
You know what brings us immense joy? Knowing that 9 out of 10 people recommend Client Giant for all their gift-giving needs. It’s when our amazing clients trust us and feel incredibly satisfied with the special moments we create together. That feeling of making a real difference in people’s lives is what keeps us going strong and super excited to keep making everyone’s day!
Gift giving is a unique and powerful language that sparks joy and forges unbreakable connections between individuals. Our survey results shed light on some seriously cool stuff about gifts! From the value of unbranded gifts to the timeless appeal of surprises. As we gear up for more milestone commemorations and special celebrations, let these insights be your guide. Client Giant is ready to help you create share-worthy experiences that make a meaningful impact on your clients and loved ones.