Client Giant

How To Get The Most Out Of Clubhouse

Written by clientgiant | Jan 20, 2021 4:45:00 AM

This new app has quickly become a place where anyone can have a speaking platform, share knowledge, and meet people in any industry if you know how to get the most out of Clubhouse.  It’s the chat room AOL charmingly tried to provide us in the mid 90’s through the early 2000’s but only came to fruition after so many iterations in the form of other social media platforms leaving us exactly where we are now. 

Think of it as a hallway with numerous speaking engagements & mastermind discussions simultaneously happening in different virtual rooms in a building and you, the user, can walk in and out of each room, engage, and ask questions however you’d like without asking anyone for their “asl”.

Being a new and refreshing social media platform, many may not understand how it, but we’ve put together a quick guide in getting the most out of Clubhouse for yourself and your business.

Clubhouse is a place to share and provide value.

Don’t be that person that immediately spews out a canned speech about the awards they’ve won or about being  a “Top Producer”. These rooms are not contests. 

Build credibility and add to the conversation by sharing your expertise and helping others that want to achieve similar to what you have done. If someone asks a question and you know the answer or can provide a different perspective to a situation, raise your hand and share. If what you share is valuable, people in the room will naturally look at your profile and they’ll be able to piece together what it is you do, appropriate links, and bam. Make yourself available for questions and keep in mind that many of the people with questions are in the shoes you once were at one point or are wanting to elevate their business or themselves.

In some cases, someone in the room will recognize your name or product and publicly vouch for you. 

Seeing as these rooms can have attendance in the thousands, this is a win in a couple of ways:

  • You’re getting a third-party endorsement in real-time to every single person in the room.
  • You don’t have to say a single word.
  • No canned speech needed.

This may divert the conversation to you and what you do then you will be able to give further details. You can even ask those interested to send you a private message and you can continue the conversation with them outside of Clubhouse while you continue to speak in the room.

Use Clubhouse as a place to listen to in real-time.

Clubhouse is like Twitter on steroids. It is a lot of data, fast.

Find a room where your potential and ideal clients and customers are gathering to talk and listen. Refrain from having to speak unless you’re providing value.

Listen to their concerns, what they’re currently doing, and their wishes. Use this information to inspire and figure out solutions for them. You might even find yourself in the middle of a conversation about a competitor and naturally you will hear what they like and dislike about them, opening up a range of opportunities for you to save the day and improve your product or service.

With the circumstances of COVID, there are shifts happening in many industries and new spaces are being created. Use the platform to keep your ear to the ground and keep a pulse on emerging trends. Hop in a room relevant to your industry and keep the app in low volume while you’re handling errands or some work that doesn’t require you to intensely listen.

Be Positive

Use your time on Clubhouse to be positive, uplifting, and inspire. The people in the room are there to learn, ask questions, and up their game. Try not utilize precious talking time negatively about anyone or business, that is an excellent way to have people in the room to stop listening. You also don’t want to gain the reputation of being “That Person”. 

Instead try to position things from a positive light. “Yeah, this service/person does X like this. However, there is still opportunity and make the product or service better for the end consumer.” and include others in the conversation to start throwing ideas into the fire and allow the conversation to grow. Who knows what ideas can spark from there? Even if the new ideas don’t benefit you directly it is a win. You started a conversation that drove innovation and if someone else benefited from the conversation keep in mind that “A rising tide raises all ships.”

Both people in the audience and moderators should be as respectful as possible when answering and asking questions. Time is precious and anyone willing to share their time with you is a gift. We’ve even encountered a case where a person in the audience was given an expensive coaching program from one of the moderators because the audience member respectfully engaged and asked excellent questions.

Get On Clubhouse Now!

While Clubhouse is a young platform, it already shows a lot of promise. Big hitters such as Grant Cardone and Gary Vaynerchuk can be seen entering rooms and who knows who else will sign up for the app; So getting on now is crucial.

The speed of feedback and abundance of expertise has never been so accessible, so being on the app and listening provides so much necessary inspiration and guidance to anyone looking to grow in a given field. Just like anything else, the time invested in Clubhouse whether as a speaker/ moderator or audience member will directly correlate with your outcome. 

If you yet to download Clubhouse on your iOS device, you can do so HERE. Sorry Android users, it is currently available for iOS.

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