11 Ways to Celebrate International Day of Happiness

A “day of happiness” may sound like one of these silly holidays that trend on social media, such as National Taco Day. But the International Day of Happiness is so much more.  

Celebrated on March 20 every year, the International Day of Happiness was established by the United Nations to remind everyone that being happy is a human right worth celebrating. This day is designed to spread awareness that progress is about more than economic growth—it’s also about individual well-being. 

Why is the International Day of Happiness observed? 

In 2011, the UN adopted a resolution to make happiness as high-priority as economic growth and opportunity. Two years later, in 2013, the UN’s member states all celebrated the first International Day of Happiness, and the celebrations have continued every year since.  

The 2022 theme for the International Day of Happiness was “Better Together,” focusing on our similarities instead of our differences. The theme for next year is “Dont Worry – Be Happy!” 

Why is happiness important?  

What makes you happy?  

For some, it may be time with loved ones, a favorite hobby, or reaching a professional goal. Maybe you find joy in traveling and seeing new places or volunteering to help a local organization.  

Over 300 million people globally live with depression, and our success-focused society often doesn’t make it easy to focus on our mental health. Many workers suffer from burnout, leading to massive negative impacts on their health and even the people around them.   

Happiness is more than an emotion: it’s critical for feeling satisfied with your life and ensuring that your mental, emotional and physical health stays in good shape. It boosts your immune system, reduces your risk of getting sick, and plays a major role in combating stress. Being happy can even decrease your risk of heart disease and heart attack by lowering your blood pressure.  

Happy people tend to be healthier, more financially stable, and make better decisions for the future. They also have more positive relationships, both romantic and otherwise, and even live longer. 

On the professional side of things, happy people tend to be more productive and successful in their careers. Happiness can even make you more creative, helping you come up with the next big idea. And happy workers tend to stay at their jobs longer, reducing employee turnover and helping companies grow and succeed. 

Even something as simple as smiling has a big impact. Several studies have found that smiling can lead to improved mood and reduced stress, which promotes more smiling—an ongoing positive cycle.  

Best of all, happiness is contagious, so when one person on your team is happy, the rest are likely to feel happy too.  

Between economic pressures, health concerns, and the many other issues that plague us each day, it can be a challenge to take time to do what makes us happy. Sometimes we just need a reminder to seek out joy. 

How to celebrate International Day of Happiness 

Happiness means different things to everyone, so there are no specific traditions for this day. Instead, everyone should take time to do something that makes them happy and focus on improving their mental health. Try something new that’s been on your to-do list for years or go to your favorite local shop or restaurant. Whatever happiness means to you, the International Day of Happiness is about cherishing those moments.  

There are plenty of ways to celebrate the International Day of Happiness at work, at home, and everywhere you go. Here are a few of our favorites!  

Spend time outdoors 

A little time surrounded by nature can help reduce anxiety and relieve stress, so get outdoors! Go for a long walk at your favorite local park or even just during your lunch break at work. Meet a friend for lunch or coffee and enjoy your treats outside. If you have the time, you can even enjoy a hike and spend the whole day taking in nature’s sights and sounds.  

Focus on the positive 

Remember that happiness is contagious, so spread joy in your daily interactions. Smile at the people you meet. When you hear your coworkers talking negatively, try to find a way to turn the topic positive. Spend time with people who make you feel happy and supported. You may be surprised how much better you feel, and you might want to make focusing on the positive a permanent habit! 

Consume things that bring you joy 

Avoid sad movies and books and watch your favorite comedy. Put on a music playlist that makes you want to get up and dance. Take a break from the comparison of social media and the bad news and enjoy videos of pets or anything that brings a smile to your face.  

Show kindness to others 

Making someone else happy can increase your own happiness, so take time to perform acts of kindness for people around you, whether you know them or not. Pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru lane or give a generous tip to your waiter. Write a thoughtful handwritten note to your best friend. Give sincere compliments. There are so many ways you can show kindness to everyone you meet.  

Make a joy list 

Sit down and create a list of things that make you happy. These items can be small, large, or anywhere in between. Anytime you’re having a bad day, take out your list and review the things that bring you joy. To take this sentiment beyond the International Day of Happiness, try to incorporate at least one of these items into every day of your life and watch your happiness increase.  

Take socializing offline  

Just six to seven hours of socialization can lead to high levels of happiness. Instead of texting or chatting on the phone, meet up with friends for dinner or a shopping date. Spending quality time with loved ones can relieve stress and tension, so hang out with your bestie and watch your worries melt away! 

Read and learn 

Self-help books aren’t for everyone but learning about mindfulness can help you develop positive practices to increase your happiness. Read about ways to focus on what’s most important and leave the negative in the rearview mirror. Who knows? You may end up with a new outlook on life that could change everything.  

Take a career next step 

Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make a big difference. People who make at least $75k a year tend to be happier than those who make less. After all, a lack of money leads to financial stress, impeding your happiness. Consider seeking a promotion or looking for a new job that can help you take your career to the next level.  

Express your gratitude 

Take time to write a thank you note to a mentor who’s helped you in your career or a friend who’s been by your side since day one. Write a list of three to five things that you’re grateful for at the end of each day. By focusing on the positives in life, you can help improve your happiness levels.  

Get active 

Cardio can help reduce stress and put a smile on your face, so why not go for a jog or take a walk with a friend? If you love to shoot hoops or play tennis, these activities are also perfect for getting your heart racing and improving your mood.  

Show your appreciation 

Company leaders or owners can show their employees how much they appreciate all the hard work with personalized gifts for the International Day of Happiness. Everyone loves to feel that their work is acknowledged and valued by the higher-ups, so a surprise “thank you” is bound to put a smile on your employee’s face. 

Here are a few more small things that can help make you happy: 

  • Stop and smell the flowers—literally 
  • Wear bright colors 
  • Treat yourself to a favorite coffee drink or ice cream 
  • Play with your pet 
  • Watch a comedy special or funny video 
  • Spend a few minutes meditating 
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables 
  • Get a good night’s sleep 

Whether you’re celebrating the International Day of Happiness at work or home, there are a wide variety of ways you can inject a little more joy into your everyday life. Laugh, smile, and focus on kindness. Your body and mind will thank you!