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How to Nail Employee Appreciation Day

Is your business ready for Employee Appreciation Day? The first Friday in March, companies often celebrate by offering gifts, giving time off, or hosting an employee appreciation event. This is the perfect opportunity to express gratitude to your employees, whether you are in leadership, management, or human resources. 

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Worst Gifts: Bosses Edition

You’ve probably received a gift that you didn’t love, maybe from a distant relative or an acquaintance who just didn’t know you well. But an unwanted gift can be way more awkward when it comes from your boss.  

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What Makes a Client Gift Unforgettable

Gift-giving: It isn’t always easy. If socks from grandma are the worst gift you’ve ever received, consider yourself lucky. Chances are, you’ve been given much worse—and you’ve likely given a bad gift or two yourself.

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Why Employee Care is Crucial to Successful Business

Most people have had jobs where they were unhappy. Whether the pay was too low, the work too much for one person, or leadership was unappreciative, these jobs usually encourage workers to look elsewhere for employment and get out as soon as they can.  

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Top 15 Most Generous Cities in the U.S.

Generosity takes many forms. Think of the most generous people in your life—they are probably frequent gift-givers, but probably also quick to offer their time and attention. Generous people know that giving makes the world a better place, and that the spirit of generosity inspires other good acts.  

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Identifying Your Ideal Customer

With the advantages of social media and digital marketing, it can seem easy to find customers. The challenge is finding the right customers for your business.  

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