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Articles (15)

The ONE Thing That Makes the World Go ‘Round

“When the supermarket clerk tallied up my groceries, I was $12 over what I had on me. I began to remove items from the bags, when another shopper handed me a $20 bill.

“Please don’t put yourself out,” I told him. 

“Let me tell you a story,” he said. 

“My mother is in the hospital with cancer. I visit her every day and bring her flowers. I went this morning, and she got mad at me for spending my money on more flowers. She demanded that I do something else with that money. So, here, please accept this. It is my mother’s flowers.” 

Leslie Wagner, Peel, Arkansas.

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What Is Client Retention, Anyway?

Most business owners may throw client retention in the same category as all the other metrics they constantly utilize to see how well their business is performing. 

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Analyzing Our Business: We’ve Been Doing This All Wrong.

When business is booming, most businesses take to the sky and allow their endorphins to sit at the cockpit, enjoying the flight. Nothing but clear blue skies ahead with no slowing down in sight because hypothetically they shouldn’t be preparing for landing or coming down anytime soon. This is what most businesses aim to work so hard for.

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Feeling VS. Thinking: The Boxing Match for Revenue

In the red corner, wearing the black trunks, coming from up north skullville, weighing in at an average of 1400 grams. They call him the smarts, the doom from the dome, the reigning champion of logic: THE BRAIIIIIN!

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Branded Gifts are Not Gifts

Imagine this: You want to let a client know how much you appreciate their business. You loved working with them, and you want to maintain that relationship. 

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Why a Closing Gift Can Hurt Your Real Estate Business.

If you want to go beyond expectations, and succeed in impressing your clients and creating a lasting relationship, you will want to choose from curated, memorable gift ideas. When you select gifts that are uniquely meaningful to each client and fit their interests and lifestyle, they will feel appreciated and feel that you truly know and understand who they are.

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Sell Experiences. Not Products.

Creating an experience lends itself to having clients and customers get attached to your business emotionally. Don’t forget that people run on emotions! And this is well worth it for you and your business.

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